Burkhard Schrage from WHW Walter Hillebrand GmbH & Co. KG based in Wickede (Ruhr) was presented with the creditworthiness certificate "CrefoZert” by Reinhard Goldmann on 24 November 2016.
The strict criteria of the CrefoZert are only met by about 0.5 percent of German companies. It certifies that good business practices have been consistently demonstrated so far as well as a good forecast for the future course of business. This certificate shows stability and reliability to business partners. The “CrefoZert” is a creditworthiness certificate and serves as an award for your own company.
This presents the very good creditworthiness of your own company and grants the authority to use the certificate in advertisements. The prerequisite for the “CrefoZert” is a Creditreform credit rating of between 100 and 249 as well as a balance sheet cretit rating of CR1 and CR7 from Creditreform Rating AG, or a corporate rating from Creditreform of AAA to BBB. The last annual financial statement must be not more than 10 months old, or the current management analyses as well as totals and balance sheets must be available. The “CrefoZert” is valid for one year with an option to renew it. If the criteria are no longer met, the certificate is revoked (even during the current year).